*All sets and reps are suggestions, the amount I do ("My Sets/Reps-") is provided as a reference NOT a limitation.

My Push-Pull Leg Combo (Advanced)

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press

4 sets/ 7-12 reps

  • lead with chest & drive it up

  • My Weight Reference: 70 lbs

20 Push-ups AFTER each set

Dumbell Shoulder Press

4 sets/ 7-12 reps

  • Be mindful of your body position (stable base)

  • Chest out, engage abs throughout exercise, lock elbows at the top, control weight as you lower dumbells

  • Can be done sitting or standing

Burpees w/ Physio Ball

3 sets/ 10 reps

  • Face wall, throw the ball to the wall (allow 1 bounce)

  • THEN perform a burpee and catch the ball before it hits the ground again.

Bulgarian Split Squat.

3 sets/ 10 reps

  • Straight down each rep to load quad

  • Sprinter position to load glutes

Quad Bar Deadlifts

4 sets/ 10 reps (3 weight changes)

*farmers walk for alternative (1:00 walk [incline optional] on treadmill)

Kettle Bell Lunges

2 sets/ 20 reps

*My suggestions:

  • Don't ego lift, start with a weight equal to your strength and experience level.

  • If you're doing 10 reps- 11 should not be possible. Meaning, if you feel you can do more then, at your discretion, increase your rep count by at least 1.

  • AVOID if you experience pain in your joints